Time Lapse- Art Prints on Apparel.

September 13, 2013

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Art-A-Whirl with Dim Media @ Turbo Tims.

May 22, 2013

What a great weekend! Here are some photos from the two days I was hanging with the crew at Turbo Tim’s for the 2013 Art-A-Whirl in Northeast Minneapolis.


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Art A Whirl 2013 @ Turbo Tim’s

May 7, 2013



For more info (and a map on how to find us): http://www.dimmedia.com/events/2013/art-a-whirl/



About TLApress

March 12, 2013


TLApress has been incubating as an idea over the last few years, finally coming into being spring 2013. TLApress will produce work with an edge and sense of humor that is geared less towards galleries/academics and more towards street/music culture. It makes sense then that the first project TLA will produce is a limited edition collection of apparel.

Available online April 2013.



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Interviewed by Nathaniel Smith

January 14, 2013

State of the Arts



I was interviewed by Nathaniel Smith for the first part of his end of the year series on the state of the arts in the Twin Cities. The series presents as many questions as it does answers and has generated a lot of discourse amongst those involved in the scene. I highly recommend the read.



National Arts Program at MSP International- Honorable Mention

January 14, 2013

The National Arts Program is hosting a show at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International airport (Nov. 20- March 5th 2013).

My print Conditions was awarded an Honorable Mention by the judges in the professional category. Hurray!

Conditions, 2012. Three plate polyester lithograph over mono print on Sommerset, 12 x 20 inches. 1/14, varied edition.

Hot Off The Press, summer 2012

January 14, 2013

Time flies…

Last summer I had a print featured in Southern Graphic Council International’s quarterly news letter Hot Off The Press.

To check out the entire news letter click here

Hot Off The Press, Summer 2012




Hyperallergic Labs

November 30, 2012

Back in October Hyperallergic Labs (Hyperallergic.com’s tumblr. site) posted my print Better Off I Guess as part of it’s Talk Back Tuesday edition.

Hyperallergic.com is one of the most influential contemporary art blogs online. I’ll be honest, I did a little dance.

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Printeresting.org and MAPC

November 29, 2012

The Mid America Print Council had it’s 2012 conference this year in Cape Girardeau, MO during the first week of November. Part of the ritual of these academic conferences is the display of themed portfolios chosen by conference organizers from written proposals sent in by members. I submitted a proposal for a portfolio titled ONE NIGHT ONLY! that was accepted. (I will be posting the full portfolio soon) As icing on the cake, my favorite art blog Printeresting.org posted an image of my print for the ONE NIGHT ONLY! folio as part of their coverage on the conference.

To see more prints from the themed portfolios and read the article click here: Printeresting.org

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Gamut Gallery Press Release.

June 20, 2012

1006 Marquette Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55402

MINNEAPOLIS–Gamut Gallery will show new works by printmaker Ash Marlene Hane, July 14 through August 12, 2012.  In this show: Conditions, Hane begins with six original works and produces “iterations,” expanding each series with varying numbers of unique pieces.  Hane’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally; this will be her first solo exhibit.

Conditions explores ideas of vulnerability and control, expressed through portraits of the female body. Hane identifies her work as part of a new era of feminism that does not pit itself against masculinity, but rather openly explores a feminine perspective. In this exhibit, Hane confronts expected molds or versions of self, reinforcing concept with technique.  She prepares her lithographs, screenprints and intaglios by beginning with a digital template, which she alters through hand-drawn elements and manual deletion of information. She then uses these matrices to print multiple-layer compositions.

“The result is a series of iterations, similar to the way a thought or conversation plays in my mind over and over again; slightly different, yet slightly the same”.

Ash Marlene Hane was born in Northern Minnesota.  In 2008 she earned a double BA in Art History and Studio Art, with a focus in printmaking.  Her time at the University of Minnesota was spent under the mentorship of Printmaking Professor and Fulbright Scholar, Jenny Schmid. Hane was a founding member of the U of M’s printmaking collective, Bohemian Press, and continues to be an active member of the local printmaking community.


Two associated events will be held at Gamut Gallery during this exhibit: 

Reception for the opening of Conditions, Saturday, July 14, 7:00-10:00 p.m.

In response to the exhibit, award-winning choreographer Judith Howard will collaborate with Hane and notable dancers Krista Langberg and Kristin Van Loon, performing Saturday, August 11 and Sunday, August 12 at 8:00 p.m.

 art@gamutgallerympls.com | gamutgallerympls.com | 1006 Marquette Ave S Mpls, MN 55402 | 612.701.8272

Mentioned by Jenny Schmid in The City Pages

May 29, 2012

This article is a year old, however, for some reason I just stumbled upon it. Reading it reminds me of what a fantastic experience I had in the art department under the mentorship of Jenny Schmid and in the presence of some truly talented and ambitious printmakers.

Read the article Here: Jenny Schmid: 100 Creatives

Interviewed in l’etoile’s The Culturator

May 20, 2012

The lovely and talented Miss Juleana Enright did an extensive interview and write up of the thisisdisappearing  project spearheaded by Lauren Hb.

You can find the full text here: The Culturator: Now You See It, Then You Won’t. l’etoile

The following is the Enright’s interview with me taken from the article:

Ash Marlene Hane

l’étoile: How did you get involved with this collaboration?

Hane: I became acquainted with Lauren during long bleary-eyed screen printing sessions at the MCAD studios this spring. Working near each other for 20-plus hours struck up conversations and gave me a really wonderful appreciation for her work and approach. One thing led to another.

l’étoile: Your piece “Bright and Fading, A Long Goodbye,”is a visual exploration relating to how we process memories and grief. In it, you’ve created a mural of your deceased grandmother by deconstructing a digital template. Can you tell us more about this installation and your creative technique?

Hane: My current practice involves beginning with a digital image which is turned into a printing matrix and then adding hand drawn elements and also removing information by hand. So in a way, the performative aspect of the work I am doing at the house is an extension of the method in which I have recently been working – like extending my printmaking studio practice over time and allowing people to come in and watch as the work evolves. Throughout the month of May, I’ll be documenting her image; as the month passes, the installation will represent her memory. I will be documenting the transitions and posting images to my website.

l’étoile: At the end of the residency, the condemned house – AKA the temporary gallery site – is set to be demolished. Do you plan on taking your piece with you or leaving it behind as a kind of sacrificial offering? 

Hane: I am installing the work directly to the wall of the house, so the work will literally become part of the house, part of the walls. As the month progresses and I begin to delete from the image, I will be scraping and removing into the wall itself. Part of the work is knowing that it will eventually be lost all together save for pictures and the memories people have of viewing it.

Featured in L’etoile Magazine’s Weekend What’s What 5/3-5/6

May 3, 2012

Big thanks to Anthony Enright for taking a liking to the project and sharing it with the audience of L’etoile.


Bright and Fading, A Long Goodbye. -Opening Saturday May 5th 12-4pm.

May 1, 2012

Please come by to see myself and the other artists work during the opening this Saturday and again at the end of the month.

Opening and closing:
Saturday, May 5, 12-4pm, and Saturday, May 26, 12-4pm
2930 Newton Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

I have been invited to be an artist in residence for the month of May at Lauren Herzak-Bauman’s site specific installation/performance series called thisisdisappearing. The following is Lauren’s description of the project:

 As part of my Artist Initiative Grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, I proposed to rent a house and turn the entire space into an installation about how death and loss affects the home. The City of Minneapolis has rented me a home that has been foreclosed and condemned. It sits empty and boarded, with no utilities. Upon the completion of my work in the house, it will be demolished. I will be photographing, installing, sitting, and making work in the house in the coming weeks. I have invited other artists to join me. Please take part in the end of this house’s life and join us at the opening and closing while we make work. 

Bright and Fading, A Long Goodbye.
When people die, they become hyper-real as our collective memories add to the person they were. I will be creating a mural of my deceased grandmother. Beginning with a digital template, I will add then subtract from the image, applying and removing color and material. The process reminds me of how loss and grief affects our lives immediately and changes over time. As the memory of a person fades what is left in our minds is an aggregate of who the person was to us and who we have imagined them to be. This installation will chronicle the arc of how I have experienced my grandmother’s death. At first memories are additive, swelling with detail. However, what will remain at the end is a faded memoir, bright in some places, evermore vacant in others.
Check the blog for more updates on participating artists and future events: thisisdisappearing.tumblr.com